Thursday, July 2, 2015

Zucchini Overload!

This is my life anymore- baking zucchini bread like crazy:

Luckily, zucchini bread freezes well, so my freezer is getting well stocked until next year.

This is an older picture (just a few weeks old) of the girls walking their pigs.  We try to walk our pigs several times a week, but with all the freaking rain and mud, that hasn't happened as often as we would like.
 I picked Chloe up from camp yesterday.  She had a great time!  Her and her friend sang us silly camp songs on the way home and told us of their fun adventures.  When we left camp, all the campers were hugging their counselor good-bye and snapping pictures with her.  In true Chloe style, she just waved good bye and had no desire for hugs.  Sometimes I wish my kid was a bit more affectionate and friendly, but she is who she is.  When we got back, Alex invited Chloe over to stay the night, so Chloe jumped on that chance.  Today is Alex's sister's birthday, so they will have a fun day.  I love this picture of the two girls with their skinny knobby knees! 

I should be blogging about my running, but it hasn't happened since Monday night.  It was so hot and muggy Tuesday night I just couldn't do it.  I did jump on the trampoline with Bg and we played basketball, so I was somewhat active but not as I should be.  Yesterday was MUCH cooler, so I planned to run when I got home from camp, but with the lightening, pouring rain and tornado warnings, I decided staying inside was probably the best bet.  I really need to get a treadmill!!!

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