I have been tracking my macros and that has been really good. I had lost about 4-5 pounds, but don't worry- I found them all back again while on vacation! I went a little crazy with eating and ate way too much junk. And I feel the after affects- I am bloated and my bowels aren't the happiest.
We started off our family trip with a work trip. My work was celebrating it's 100 anniversary and so they planned a family weekend at a lake resort, called Tan-Tar-A on the Lake of the Ozarks (or as Bg called it "Tim and Tara's".
We checked in Friday night and had a Taste of Missouri dinner, where Mo Beef, Pork, Lamb, Dairy, wine, corn, etc were all featured. It was FABULOUS. Dinner was followed by a show by Vocal Trash. They were awesome and my girls absolutely loved it. Saturday morning the employees did local community service. I was assigned the mess hall at 4-H Camp along with 4 other coworkers. I thought I volunteered for the nasty grunt job (the bathroom), but after I started, I realized I has the best job- the bathroom was air conditioned and the mess hall wasn't! Ha ha. Don't worry, I did go out and mop the mess hall after and worked up a huge sweat. It was actually a lot of fun with coworkers and I am glad we did it, as I have very fond memories of 4-H camp.
The company rented out a go-cart park for the afternoon but unfortunately my girls were still just a little too young to enjoy it (plus the heat was awful), so we went back to the pool which had a great slide. Saturday night the kids went off to a kids camp and the adults had a very nice dinner with an excellent speaker from the Air Force.
Sunday morning was breakfast and then we left the resort and headed to Branson. We stopped to eat at my mom's favorite place for ice cream- Braums.

We spent the rest of the trip playing at Silver Dollar City and swimming at the hotel pool. My girls had a lot of fun at SDC and Chloe was able to lead us around the park with a map the entire time (she is map obsessed). She only crashed into a few things.

Playing dead.

Stuck in jail

We also went to Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. The show was great and the food was excellent.
We came back Tuesday for Chloe's final softball game. She loved the season and her team went undefeated! She had a rough night and didn't play as well as previous games and got pretty upset with herself, but we thought she did great!

I absolutely LOVE this picture! She has grown up with these 4 girls and it was a fun coincidence that they are all on the same team. With the exception of 1 of them, they all go to the same school and will always be classmates.

I plan to take the rest of the week off of running/working out, as we are still trying to recover from vacation/softball/heat wave.
Life is good.