Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The stomach flu hit our house last week. Hard. And it snuck in out of nowhere. I went from happily preparing pot roast to head in toilet in less than an hour. And when you have kids (one who is nursing) while you are sick, it just makes things that much worse. I did get a good chuckle (after the fact) once when I was puking. Chloe comes into the bathroom and asks, "Whatcha doing mom?" Like I could really answer. And then, "why are your glasses on the floor, here, put them on." And she tries to hand me my glasses as I have my head halfway into the toilet.

And of course, when mom gets sick, one of the kids has to get sick too. I got sick Tuesday night. I was looking forward to a recovery day at home on Wednesday, but Chloe started puking about 10 mintues after Jeff dropped her off at Miss Linda's. And when he brought her home, she proceeded to puke all over me. Three seperate times. I had one of those "you know you are mom when..." moments when Chloe is sitting on our brand new carpet and starts to heave. I stick my hands out and catch it. Gross, I know, but I didnt really want to try to clean puke out of brand new carpet either.

Chloe luckily got over her illness quickly. Mine however refused to let go and I was sick for 6 days. The good news was that I finally reached my goal weight! 125 pounds! Not quite the way I wanted to achieve it though.

Unfortunetly I was sick for our anniversary. Not that we would have done anything romantic anyway, but we had a nice home cooked dinner planned. Oh well, maybe next year.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Never had a doubt...

About my Tigers' ability to beat KU! It's kind of the end of an era I guess. MU is leaving the Big 12 for the SEC. I am not sure how I feel about that just yet, but I am glad that Mizzou has beat KU in football and now at home in basketball. They still have one more game to play in Lawrence, but the Tigers pulled off a last minute win at home on Saturday. We went to Heather and Gary's to watch the game. MU was ahead at the half, but trailed all of the second quarter, even letting KU build a 8 point lead. But we rallied in the last 3 minutes. Poor Bg thought her parents had gone mental. I was shaking and pacing the floor. Heather had to hold Bg so I wouldnt accidentally throw her across the room! Chloe saw a picture of a Jayhawk on Sunday and told me that, "we dont like those!" Good girl!

And yesterday was the SuperBowl. Boy, Superbowl party at Jason's sure has changed in the 10 years I have been with Jeff! Everyone is married with kids now. The party is much more family friendly! The girls had a blast. CHloe cried when we left.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


So could this February possibly start off any different than February of 2011?? Remember the blizzard? Well, yesterday was sunny and in the 60's. Chloe and Bg were able to play outside all afternoon. Chloe's legs are bruised black and blue- from falling out of trees, to tripping over twigs and falling down hills. But she is loving every minute of country living. And in our backyard is the most fun dirt pile ever!

But all this crazy weather gave me a nasty sinus infection. So while my children were outside delighting in the beautiful weather, I was inside sleeping. Poor me, but enough of my sob story.

We had a scare last night. Dad called around 9 and said mom had been having chest pains all day and went to urgent care after work. They did an EKG and said these scary words: Heart Attack. They gave mom some nitroglycerin and said get to a hospital. Dad rushed mom to the ER and they did another EKG, but these results were better and they werent sure about a heart attack. So mom was admitted and is undergoing tests today. My mom is way too young for this! She already yelled at me for harping on her about her diet, but she does need to take better care of herself. And I say this out of love. I want my babies to have the kind of relationship with their grandparents that I had with mine and that means no heart attacks!!