This year Chloe wanted a minion. She is slightly obsessed with minions, although we really haven't watched any of the movies. And I have to say, this was the BEST year of Valentine's ever! Now that Chloe can write and spell, she did all her Valentines on her own (it helps she only has 12 in her class) and there were zero tears while making the box. And I have to say, isn't Chloe the cutest 1st grader ever!!!

Bg did Frozen valentines and worked hard signing her name on all of them. Bg is a pretty tough name, ha ha. The box she made in class was adorable! It did have googley eyes, but they didn't survive the party. And isn't Bg the cutest preschooler ever!!!

I am still very happy with my Asics GT 2000 running shoes, but they are starting to get a lot of miles on them, so I wanted to get a new shoe. I also really like my Brooks Ghost for the gym and shorter runs, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to go Brooks or Asics. I tried on several different shoes and tried on the Brooks Pure Cadence simply b/c I liked the way they looked. And once I put them on, I LOVED the way the felt. Super light weight and comfortable. The lady at the store said they would feel quite a bit different, as the drop (or whatever technical term she used, I forget) from heel to toe is only 4mm, while most shoes are closer to 12mm. It does feel different. Not in a bad way but definitely different. I have had them for 3 days and haven't run in them yet. This is silly, but I am kind of scared too. I cant really explain why, but just that they are different than I am used to and I don't want to mess anything up I guess.

I have been hitting the gym hard. I can definitely see a different in my arms and shoulders. Meghan says she can see a difference in my legs. I know I am getting stronger and I am loving lifting weights. Since it is still cold, I don't feel too bad about being in the gym more than on the road, but I know I need to start hitting up the miles. I run my first half of the year on April 2, so in just a month and half!
The weather is warming up and was very nice yesterday. We hit the park up. The girls got hot, but I froze! I had been super sweaty at the gym and the cold air just chilled me.

I am always torn if I want other kids at the park or not. It would be nice for my kids to have someone to play with, but it never seems we encounter younger, nice kids. It is always older kids that are borderline obnoxious. Case in point- there was a group of kids there yesterday. I am guessing age range 9-12ish. Three boys and two girls. The girls were roller blading and the boys were yelling out a few obscene things. I heard the B word drop a few times. The girls weren't upset and were interacting with the boys and my kids weren't paying any attention, so I chose to ignore them, but I never know what it best. If those were my girls, I wouldn't want 10 y/o boys shouting those things at them but I just never know what to do. Sigh...nice thing about living way out in the country- my kids are probably never going to be roaming around.
I am trying to improve my eating and increasing my protein so I can build lean muscle and burn some fat. The trainer at the gym had me get this protein powder, but I am kind of at a loss as to what to do with it, ha ha. I should just ask her, but don't want to look dumb. I guess I will research, but don't know if this should be a breakfast replacement shake, a pre workout, a post workout? A snack? I do not want my girls to see me eating something different than them all the time and I don't want to go crazy with what I eat either, so I just really need to find the right mix.
And I probably would NOT have bought this if the trainer hadn't got it for me. Simply b/c it has the words "organic" and "gmo free" on it. I know that sounds backwards from what most health nuts want, but I think those words are a huge marketing gimmick. I have no fear of commercially raised, GMO foods. And since I have an ag degree and work in ag, I kind feel like I do have some knowledge on the subject.

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