I ran 10 miles two weeks ago at 1:36 and felt pretty good afterwards. Well, some friends who walk half marathon's asked if I wanted to walk with them this past Saturday. I always enjoy the company so I agreed. Around mile 9, I felt horrible. I could feel blisters forming at each step. It was seriously painful that last half mile. I don't know why it is, but anymore, walking seems to be much harder on me than running. I guess it is b/c I am on my feet for so much longer (3 hours versus 1:40) and the different way my feet strike the ground? Anyway, that walk tore me up. My feet are covered in blisters (one of them is nickel sized) and my shins hurt.
So, instead of training hard, I am resting my shins. This involves the elliptical and exercise bike (which I have pretty much the same hatred for both that I have with the treadmill). I have worked hard with my weightlifting and hit the gym hard this week.
This past week's training schedule:
Saturday: 9.5 mile walk (and my last long walk until I am 80)
Sunday: 1 mile on Helix machine and weight lifting, followed by .75 mile walk with Bg
Monday: one mile on bike and weight lifting
Tuesday: half mile on elliptical and weight lifting
Wednesday: easy 1/4 mile on treadmill, hard 1/4 on treadmill followed by HIIT work and lots of foam rolling
Not really how I had my week planned for training but I will say that today (Thursday) my shins feel much better! I plan to rest the next two days in order to be well rested before Saturday's race.
Goal A: 2:10
Goal B: PR by beating 2:13:41
Goal C: 2:15 for first race of year.
The gross question...do I pop the huge blister on the ball of my foot before the race? I am leaning towards yes so it doesn't start to irritate me.
So, for non race related things:
The girls were out of school on Good Friday, so my MIL surprised them with Disney on Ice Tickets. It was a lot of fun and we had great seats:

We had beautiful weather all weekend, except for Easter Sunday. After a dry winter, we had a rain/snow mix come down Sunday morning. The girls were a little underdressed, but I told them little girls have been freezing on Easter for decades, ha ha. Arent my girls lovely:

I really wish they would let me fix their hair!
The girls both had speaking parts in the childrens choir program on Sunday and both rocked their lines:

I always host Easter with my family and IL's and the weather did improve Sunday afternoon.
Although it looks like it, we actually did NOT egg hunt in the pig pen.

We did Egg Hunt in the shed, but the kids had more fun swinging on the rope:

Here is a picture of all the cousins:

After everyone left, Bg and I went to the gym and then a short walk. I like having a walking buddy:

Bg is very fancy and wears a skirt with everything.
We saw this calf out in the road on our way to town. I love spring calves! We live really close to a large dairy, so here is a future milk cow.

My great uncle passed away last week and this picture of my great grandpa was found in his possession. I think this is the neatest picture. My grandpa was a true cowboy and owned the town's blacksmith shop: