I am taking today and tomorrow off as rest days, both mentally and physically. I haven't been home before 8pm any evening this week, so my house is a mess and I just have a lot going on that I need to do. My kids may appreciate a home cooked meal as well.
Another reason I am taking the next two days off to rest...I am running a 10K on Saturday! My body definitely needs some recovery time and I plan to do some intense foam rolling tonight. I need to work the soreness out of my muscles if I hope to beat my 54:29 time. My goal is just faster than 54 minutes.
Each year my work offers a discount FitBit. Last year I got the flex and while I loved it, I really wish I had something that told the time, etc. This year, I was able to get the FitBit Blaze! I just got it, so am still working on figuring all the tricks out, but I love it! I can get texts alerts on my watch, so when I am out miles from home while someone is watching my kids, I can make sure it isn't a kid related text without stopping, pulling my phone out of my Flipbelt, etc. Or if one of my running friends is meeting up with me and texts me to say they are at such and such place, I can look and run right to them without stopping! I can also control my music- skip songs, change volume, etc, right from the phone. I still need to figure out all the other fun stuff, but here is a picture:

I had some time on Friday to run a long run with no distractions. It was a beautiful day, so I planned to head to my favorite park (its a 2 mile loop) and try to get in 8-9 miles. My stomach was feeling off, but I figured I could run through it. I made it about 3 miles before my stomach said a long run was a no go! The bathrooms aren't open yet (they close them in winter due to freezing issues), so I figured it wasn't a good idea for me to stick around. I was about 3/4 of a mile from my car, so I walked back and took a pretty picture, even though nothing has greened up yet.

Saturday was a perfect day for a LOOONG run. Problem is, I had to work! I only work 1 Saturday a year and this was it. I typically don't mind working this Saturday b/c it is February and usually like 10 degrees and I am working the Western Farm Show, so it is doing something I love. I stand around and talk to farmers all day. I hated being stuck inside all day when it was 70 outside! And there were far few farmers at the Farm Show, since they were all in the field putting on Anhydrous. Jeff and the girls went with me, as the girls enjoy climbing on all the tractors, combines and other equipment.
After the Farm Show, we were offered free tickets to the Outlaw Truck and Tractor Pull. This is an indoor pull, so it gets LOUD. The girls LOVED it. Especially the modified tractors.

We also ate at one of their favorite places...Steak and Shake!

I took the girls swimming at an indoor community building on Sunday for a birthday party. I came out to my car and had this message. Nothing was out of the ordinary, so I am not sure what happened.

The more I read about fitness and nutrition, the more confused I am about what I need to eat to optimize my fitness. I don't really care about losing weight, but would like to "lean out." I have been following a lot of blogs and think maybe counting macros is the way to go, but man, it is overwhelming and I don't know where to start. I plan to talk to my trainer to see what she thinks. In the mean time, I am trying to think of ways to incorporate more protein. I like protein shakes A LOT, but....they make me pee excessively, especially if I drink one for breakfast. Plus, I am hungry again like 20 minutes later. A breakfast favorite of my and Bg is banana pancakes- 1 banana, two eggs blended together, poured on a griddle like pancakes and topped with peanut butter. I added two scoops of chocolate protein powder to mine and they were great. A little dry, so the next day I only added one scoop and it was PERFECTION! Chocolate, banana, peanut butter- one of the best combos in the entire world. And I stayed full. Until lunch. Dead serious.

The term hangry has become increasingly popular. I think people use it a lot who aren't really hangry. They don't even understand what hangry is. I get haaaanggrrryyy. Jeff gets so annoyed with me. Like when hunger strikes, there is no kidding around. I cant wait 5 minutes. I get shaky, almost sick to my stomach and a little crazy. And it will hit me out of nowhere. I will be sitting here, maybe a little hungry then bam, I need to eat right then and there. And it doesn't even have to be a lot. A small piece of cheese or chocolate, even two bits and I am okay for a little while. I am sure it has something to do with blood sugar or something like that.
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