Fundraiser #1 was pretty simple and I didn't have to do much for it. My sorority each year selects a family/individual in our community that is struggling with a life threatening illness and we sell cinnamon rolls and sugar cookies with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the family. The good news is, it is a popular fundraiser, the bad news...trying to find a baker in this size of town that can handle as many orders as we take and still provide a quality, FRESH product. We have been doing this for probably 10 years and have had to switch bakers several times as they cant provide what we need. Unfortunately we had to go out of town this year to find someone who could do the large orders.
Fundraiser #2 was for our Chamber of Commerce. We hosted a casino night to raise money for all the various community activities the chamber puts on: 4th of July celebration, scholarships, Country Fair, Halloween Spooktacular, etc etc. This is our largest fundraiser of the year. We spent Thursday evening setting up and hosted the event Friday. I was in charge of the Mouse Races (like horse races but on a much smaller scale) and they are always a lot of fun. I have worked the mouse races the past two years with an old dear friend and it is really the only time each year that we can sit around and catch up. I was at a conference for work all day Friday, came home and rushed to Casino night. The end of the evening we host a small auction which I helped as a bid girl. Luckily my parents had the girls overnight so I didn't have to try to shuttle them around.
Fundraiser #3 was for our school, which is a private Lutheran school. We had a large dinner, silent and live auction. I am the PTL treasurer, so in addition to my auction duties of ticket sales and live auction co-coordinator, I also was in charge of all the money. We had met earlier in the week to do most our prep, but Saturday was still a busy day of preparation. I was at the event setting up from about 9am-1:30, ran home to shower and rest a bit and then was back again by 4 for the evening. It was a wildly successful night, but I was exhausted afterwards.
When I was younger, my goal in life was to be an auctioneer. I love auctions, so helping at two of them was pretty fun for me. I love assisting the auctioneers and yelping when people bid. I have really good childhood memories of going to farm auctions with my grandpa and dad.
Sunday the girls sang at church to wrap up Lutheran School week. Bg was quite the ham yet again- she may be a performer! After church we went to a VFW fundraising dinner (I was just there to eat- not on that committee!) and headed home. I knew I needed to run, but I was exhausted, so I took a short 30 minute power nap. After my nap, I headed to town to run.
My goal was to run 8 miles. The temperature was nice (60ish) and it was overcast, so I started off in long sleeves, but quickly shed the top layer! My run felt pretty good and I took a different road than I typically do. To get long miles in this town, you pretty much have to get creative so I went out of town a bit and headed back to town a new way. In my head, I was thinking the road I was taking was float, but quickly realized I took about the hilliest road in town. I don't know why I struggle with hills during races, as I live in a hilly town! But I did great on the hills! I ended up going further than planned and got back to my starting point at 9.5 miles and of course, I cant end a long run at 9.5, so I did another loop around the block to make it a solid 10. I ran it in 1:36 minutes, so less than a 10 minute average per mile, which makes me VERY happy. My goal for my next half is 2:10, so I am pretty sure if I can keep a less than 10 minute pace by myself on a hilly course for 10 miles, I can do it during a race. My upcoming race says it is flat as well!
After my run, I did the grocery store, raced home, showered and came back into town (have I mentioned I live like 9 miles out in the country down long gravel roads) to bring the girls to church choir practice. I dropped them off, went to the gym and foam rolled (my calves hurt!!) and then drove my running route to double check my miles (see FitBit Blaze review post). After choir, got the girls, headed home, finished up supper and then sank into exhaustion at 9pm.
So, in addition to an absolute busy weekend, I had a huge laundry mishap. Bg apparently had a red and blue crayon in the pocket of one of her hoodies that melted all over my drier and all over her clothes. I really did not have time this weekend to clean the dryer or try to salvage any of her clothes, so that is still waiting on me.

Chloe's favorite outfit happened to be in this load...I haven't told her yet. She will melt down...just like the crayons. Ha ha.
Random picture: We were successful bidders at the school auction for a garden tub- filled with seeds, gardening tools, gloves, watering can, etc. The girls had fun playing with it.

Second random picture: This is the two day a week workout I am doing at the gym:

Third random picture: I got this snack bar as a freebie at a race. It is organic, gluten free, GMO free, etc- all the crap that I refuse to buy into their marketing. I wouldn't have tried this except it was free. And it was nasty. I took one nibble and trashed it. It was slimy, smelled funny and green. I don't like my snack foods to be green. Give me GMO, non organic food any day over this! Just so you know, the organic and non GMO labels are purely marketing gimmicks and do not change the nutritional value of your food what so ever.
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