So after a weeks hiatus, I hit the road again! I was scheduled to do 8 miles this weekend and I feared that after taking a week off, that I would fail miserably, especially in the heat. I went to my favorite running park and had a pretty easy run! I really wonder if my body is better suited for running 2-3 times a week versus 4-5? My biggest running issue is my ability to breathe. I have no lung capacity at all. It sucks being out of breathe when your legs and body want to keep going. I did the first 5 or so miles at a 10 minute mile pace and then slowed down for mile 6 and 7. I walked the last half mile trying to cool myself off before I had to pick the girls up. I don't think I have ever sweated that much before!
I am so excited that I found my old track/cross country coach on FB! We had lost connection a couple years ago and I didn't know her last name anymore. It was so nice catching up to her and I hope we can meet up soon.
Both girls are attending two different VBS's this week. Our church has VBS during the morning and the church connected to their school has VBS at night. They are having a blast at both of them.
I start church coed softball tonight!! I am a little excited. My best friend's church no longer has a team, so I think her and her husband are going to play with us if needed. YAY!!
We got to baby sit my adorable niece and great nephew on Saturday! The girls were big helps and even changed diapers!
Saturday night we had a birthday party and then a swim party. Chloe and Bg finally decided to be brave in the water and had so much fun!
Sunday was church and then work around the house. I did a lot of weeding in my garden and my tomatoes are starting to ripen up. The girls and I drove the go-cart down the road to check out a car that wrecked Friday night. We don't think anyone was seriously injured, but please slow down on gravel roads!!!
We ate at Subway, Chloe's favorite place before VBS last night. She refused to sit with me and Bg and instead sat by herself looking sad and lonely, even though it was her own choice. I think she liked the attention from the other customers.
Mondays are my rest days, so even though I really didn't need a rest day, I try to follow the schedule. Instead Sally and I took a walk to check out the wet crops. And we found a freaking sofa that someone threw in the creek. Nothing ticks me off more than people too lazy or too cheap to properly dispose of their trash.
Standing water in the fields- not good. Those aren't ponds.
I had a yummy and healthy snack straight from my garden last night.
This was my view this morning. Cute butt, but would be cuter in her own bed!!!