Friday, July 31, 2015

Tomato Tomato

My tomatoes have gone crazy!  So I have gone canning crazy.  I cut and diced and chopped all the goodies to go into salsa on Sunday to have it boil down to 6.5 pints of salsa.  In my head, I envisioned like 20 pints for my hours of hard work.  Sigh...

Monday I tried my hand at making spaghetti sauce, which we tried last night.  It was much easier to make than the salsa (and faster too!) and I was only supposed to get about 5 pints from my recipe, but I ended up with 7.  It is a little runny, but tastes good.

Tuesday night was a softball double header.  And we were beyond creamed.  We were killed.  It was embarrassingly bad.  My dad was there with his trusty camera and got a few pictures that he hasn't shared yet.  But that is okay, b/c it was a horrible night for my team!
My mom and I surprised Chloe Wednesday night with tickets to Mary Poppins at Starlight!  The show was excellent, but I was a bit disappointed that Chloe didn't seem to just love it.  She even fell asleep halfway through the second act.

I ended up golfing again on Wednesday and I don't know if it is 3 days of golfing this week, plus softball, plus life, but my back ribs are killing me.  They almost feel bruised.  I kept having horrible back pains Wednesday and Thursday.  I went to the chiropractor today and feel much better!

I am trying to convince Jeff we need this:

This is a running blog so I should be posting about running, but I am trying to get my back to feel better.  I need to do a LONG run this weekend, so I may attempt it tonight.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

An exhausting week and Corder Picnic Fun

Whew!!!  Last week was a LOOONG week.  While it was nice having the girls in VBS each night (they loved it), it was just too much activity for them.  They were exhausted over the weekend and their attitudes sure reflected it.  I was exhausted too.

I led a VERY active week and my body is definitely letting me know.  I already blogged this, but last Sunday I ran 8 miles, did 2 miles on Monday, played a double header in softball Tuesday and ran 5 miles on Wednesday.  I woke up Thursday SO sore.  Softball uses muscles I am not used to using!  My back, shoulders and quads were killing me.  I had a golf tourney to play in and luckily that loosened me up quite a bit.  I love golf- I am not very good but I think I am getting better.  I played in a 2nd tournament on Friday as well.  I won closest to the pin and longest putt for the women!  But....I was the only woman in the tournament, ha ha. 

The golf life is a hard life:

Friday night of the Corder picnic is the big talent show night in which my girls and their friend sing a Taylor Swift song every year.  This year they won 2nd place in their age group! 
My dad also competes each year with his ventriloquist act- his bear Sarge.  He won 1st place in the humor category doing an old Abbott and Castelo act about baseball.
Saturday was a day of fun and games.  I started the morning off doing the 5K race and got 2nd place with a time of 27:30.  Not my fastest race but I don't do well in the humidity.  My friends ran the race as well:
The girls entered the bike race.  They competed in the under 7 age group.  Chloe got 2nd and Bg got 4th (out of 4).  Poor Bg's helmet was too big and she couldn't see, but everyone got a big laugh out of watching her ride.

Next up was the pedal tractor pull.  Chloe got 3rd in the under 50 weight group.  She was a VERY bad sport about it and this mama was NOT happy with her about it.  The top 3 places were within 2 inches of each other so it was close.  Bg chose to nap rather than participate.

We followed the tractor pull with the sidewalk chalk contest.  Even though I am not artistic at all, they needed another contestant in the 19 and up category, so I jumped in, as I was sure to place with only 3 drawers.  Chloe did not place but I did!!!  Drumroll please....3rd place out of 3!   I am going to be a sore loser here, but the people who beat me were an art teacher and her mom.  They should NOT have allowed professionals.  I wont spend my $5 prize in one place.
The kids had fun riding rides, especially the bucking bull.  They had several friends at the picnic so they y always had someone to ride with.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Back on the road.

So after a weeks hiatus, I hit the road again!  I was scheduled to do 8 miles this weekend and I feared that after taking a week off, that I would fail miserably, especially in the heat.  I went to my favorite running park and had a pretty easy run!  I really wonder if my body is better suited for running 2-3 times a week versus 4-5?  My biggest running issue is my ability to breathe.  I have no lung capacity at all.  It sucks being out of breathe when your legs and body want to keep going.  I did the first 5 or so miles at a 10 minute mile pace and then slowed down for mile 6 and 7.  I walked the last half mile trying to cool myself off before I had to pick the girls up.  I don't think I have ever sweated that much before! 

I am so excited that I found my old track/cross country coach on FB!  We had lost connection a couple years ago and I didn't know her last name anymore.  It was so nice catching up to her and I hope we can meet up soon.

Both girls are attending two different VBS's this week.  Our church has VBS during the morning and the church connected to their school has VBS at night.  They are having a blast at both of them.

I start church coed softball tonight!!  I am a little excited.  My best friend's church no longer has a team, so I think her and her husband are going to play with us if needed.  YAY!!

We got to baby sit my adorable niece and great nephew on Saturday!  The girls were big helps and even changed diapers!

Saturday night we had a birthday party and then a swim party.  Chloe and Bg finally decided to be brave in the water and had so much fun!

Sunday was church and then work around the house.  I did a lot of weeding in my garden and my tomatoes are starting to ripen up.  The girls and I drove the go-cart down the road to check out a car that wrecked Friday night.  We don't think anyone was seriously injured, but please slow down on gravel roads!!!
We ate at Subway, Chloe's favorite place before VBS last night.  She refused to sit with me and Bg and instead sat by herself looking sad and lonely, even though it was her own choice.  I think she liked the attention from the other customers.
Mondays are my rest days, so even though I really didn't need a rest day, I try to follow the schedule.  Instead Sally and I took a walk to check out the wet crops.  And we found a freaking sofa that someone threw in the creek.  Nothing ticks me off more than people too lazy or too cheap to properly dispose of their trash.

Standing water in the fields- not good.  Those aren't ponds.
I had a yummy and healthy snack straight from my garden last night.
This was my view this morning.  Cute butt, but would be cuter in her own bed!!!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Fair Fun and picture overload! I haven't ran all week.  We were at the fair late Monday night and it was so freaking hot that I just didn't have it in me.  Chloe made three projects for the 4-H Fair and here is a picture of her telling the judge all about her projects.  This is one of my many FAVORITE things about 4-H.  Those who know Chloe well know she isn't very outgoing and can ignore people completely ( stresses this extrovert out to no end!).  But in 4-H, it gives the kids a chance to get in front of a person (often a stranger) without their parent and learn valuable speaking skills that will stay with them for life.  When I peaked in the room, Chloe was animated and talking to the judge.  I was proud!

After presenting her exhibits, it was time for Clover Kid Super Farmer, where it is a bunch of fun farm related activities for the kiddos.

Tuesday night I had to work at the big kid Super Farmer contest and it was again a VERY hot night!  But the kids had fun and Bg even got in on some action.

Wednesday I started a two day Hedging and Options Training.  Sounds kind of boring, but it was an excellent class and I think I learned something!

Thursday night, on behalf of the Chamber, I help with our Farmers Appreciation Dinner.  This dinner is awesome.  With a very SMALL budget, we feed anywhere from 400-600 people hamburgers, hotdogs, beans and chips as a thank you for all our local farmers.  In addition to being on the committee that puts on this event, my work provides and serves watermelon.  Since I have a HUGE aversion to watermelon, I put my kids to work in my place. 

After the dinner was the auction and awards.  Since I was busy bidding and buying animals, my kids were left to roam (such a great benefit of our small town).  Bg got a little dirty...the bathtub was pretty nasty when she got out!

And our hay has finally been cut- hooray!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Start of the 4-H Fair!

Yesterday started the 2015 county 4-H/FFA Fair!  The fair is one of my favorite times of the year.  I served on our fairboard for many years and am amazed year after year at the talent, skill and knowledge of these kiddos. 

I was asked to judge at Exhibit Day, which is where all the kids with non livestock projects show what they have done.  There is many categories- foods, sewing, crafts, photography, robotics, Aerospace, child development, knitting, entomology, produce, just to name a few.  I judged all the grain crops, bees, entomology and animal classes.  I wasn't sure what to look for in some of these categories (I had a kid with a hamster project!), but the kids were eager to show off what they have worked hard on all year.  As always, I learned something new from each kid!

Today I went to the ham auction and part of the cattle show.  It makes me really sad how few cattle there are in the barns.  When I showed, the barn was overflowing with steers and the show lasted all day and into the evening.  Today, the show was over by lunch.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Garden Goodness

It was finally dry enough to get into my garden to pick my green beans.  I didn't have as many as last year, but I did have enough to can.  I think I got about 10 pints and 7 quarts.  Due to a busy weekend, it took me longer than normal to can.  I picked beans Saturday morning.  Saturday evening I washed and began snapping them.  Jeff finished snapping them on Sunday morning, while I packed them in jars.  However, I didn't begin the pressure canning process until about 7pm Sunday night and finished up around 10:30.
I also power washed my potatoes.  See my red neck dryer- a mini trampoline!

My filters on my vacuum were a little nasty, so I vacuumed my vacuum with a shop vac.  Thank goodness for spell check as I spelled vacuum wrong each time. 

I was scheduled for a 7 mile run on Saturday and knew I needed to make no excuses (like the heat), so I waited until 5 and headed to Confederate Park, my favorite place to run.  My legs and lungs actually felt good, but man, it was hot and I was sweating bullets.  My time is slower than I would have liked (way slower), but I did it.  And I treated myself to some expensive ice cream after.
I have been married to a Lutheran for almost 8 years, but went to my first Lutheran Baptism on Sunday for Jeff's cousin Ashley's daughter Dixie.  My girls LOVE Dixie and it was good to see Jeff's family.

We went to the pool Sunday afternoon and Chloe had several friends there.  She finally got brave enough to go down the slides and that is all she wants to do now.

Sunday evening two of Chloe's friends came over to work on their foods project for the 4-H Fair.  They made Granola Bites.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Pee Wee Pig Show

I took the girls to a PeeWee Pig Show today.  They got to practice showing a pig, but we didn't have to bring out own!  It's a lot less work and the girls get to better prepare themselves for the upcoming State Fair.

Chloe made this cake on some app on my I-phone earlier.  I thought it was so sweet and am very proud of her spelling.

I am ready for future dog attacks.  I dare you dogs- come and get me!
I got a good 3 miler in last night.  I ran in town and took a hilly route, but was happy with my time.  Average pace was a 9'35  for 3.33 miles, which is consistent with what I have been running all week.