Friday, July 31, 2015

Tomato Tomato

My tomatoes have gone crazy!  So I have gone canning crazy.  I cut and diced and chopped all the goodies to go into salsa on Sunday to have it boil down to 6.5 pints of salsa.  In my head, I envisioned like 20 pints for my hours of hard work.  Sigh...

Monday I tried my hand at making spaghetti sauce, which we tried last night.  It was much easier to make than the salsa (and faster too!) and I was only supposed to get about 5 pints from my recipe, but I ended up with 7.  It is a little runny, but tastes good.

Tuesday night was a softball double header.  And we were beyond creamed.  We were killed.  It was embarrassingly bad.  My dad was there with his trusty camera and got a few pictures that he hasn't shared yet.  But that is okay, b/c it was a horrible night for my team!
My mom and I surprised Chloe Wednesday night with tickets to Mary Poppins at Starlight!  The show was excellent, but I was a bit disappointed that Chloe didn't seem to just love it.  She even fell asleep halfway through the second act.

I ended up golfing again on Wednesday and I don't know if it is 3 days of golfing this week, plus softball, plus life, but my back ribs are killing me.  They almost feel bruised.  I kept having horrible back pains Wednesday and Thursday.  I went to the chiropractor today and feel much better!

I am trying to convince Jeff we need this:

This is a running blog so I should be posting about running, but I am trying to get my back to feel better.  I need to do a LONG run this weekend, so I may attempt it tonight.

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