Monday, July 13, 2015

Garden Goodness

It was finally dry enough to get into my garden to pick my green beans.  I didn't have as many as last year, but I did have enough to can.  I think I got about 10 pints and 7 quarts.  Due to a busy weekend, it took me longer than normal to can.  I picked beans Saturday morning.  Saturday evening I washed and began snapping them.  Jeff finished snapping them on Sunday morning, while I packed them in jars.  However, I didn't begin the pressure canning process until about 7pm Sunday night and finished up around 10:30.
I also power washed my potatoes.  See my red neck dryer- a mini trampoline!

My filters on my vacuum were a little nasty, so I vacuumed my vacuum with a shop vac.  Thank goodness for spell check as I spelled vacuum wrong each time. 

I was scheduled for a 7 mile run on Saturday and knew I needed to make no excuses (like the heat), so I waited until 5 and headed to Confederate Park, my favorite place to run.  My legs and lungs actually felt good, but man, it was hot and I was sweating bullets.  My time is slower than I would have liked (way slower), but I did it.  And I treated myself to some expensive ice cream after.
I have been married to a Lutheran for almost 8 years, but went to my first Lutheran Baptism on Sunday for Jeff's cousin Ashley's daughter Dixie.  My girls LOVE Dixie and it was good to see Jeff's family.

We went to the pool Sunday afternoon and Chloe had several friends there.  She finally got brave enough to go down the slides and that is all she wants to do now.

Sunday evening two of Chloe's friends came over to work on their foods project for the 4-H Fair.  They made Granola Bites.


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