Tuesday, September 8, 2015

End of summer

It's been a while since I blogged, but it has been a rough couple of weeks.  I have struggled with getting back in the swing of things after the state fair with school starting, a busy work schedule, the heat and the girls activities!  I will admit I haven't run hardly at all but more on that later.

It was hard getting back into our school routine.  I was looking forward to school starting but adding back in homework, school lunches, breakfast (Bg always ate at the sitters), etc, I really felt a bit overwhelmed.  Bg started soccer and I am playing softball and those activities seemed to take up all our evenings. 

I haven't really run since before the state fair, so I knew with my upcoming half, I needed miles.  I ran on Saturday but was exhausted.  Instead of running my little circle loop at the local park, I ran around town.  I ran about 5 miles from my car when I back began hurting again.  Boo.  But since I was 5 miles away, I had to get back.  It was a hard return trip, but I finished, although slow.

Mile 1: I have no idea, forgot to turn on my app.
Mile 2: 9'46
3: 10'12
4: 12'13
5: 11'20
6: 11'44
7: 13'49
8: 15'19
9: 15'10
10: 16'58

Way too slow for my goal race time.  I may be in trouble!

Plus, the end of summer always means horrible allergy attacks for me.  I was miserable last week and there was no way I was able to run:

Luckily I have a good allergist who gave me a crazy combo of additional meds (in addition to my shots, daily pill and nasal spray already being taken) and steroids that cleared me up. 

The day before my half marathon I tried to eat a big lunch and drink lots of water.  This is a Memphis burger from a local BBQ joint called Oink and Moo.  It is heaven on a bun.

I also tried my hand at making homemade applesauce and apple butter.  It is a lot of work for very little product unfortunately but it tastes DELICIOUS. 

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